Effects of Abuse on Minors

Effects of Children Observing Domestic Violence
Children who witness domestic violence are often afraid that their abused parent, siblings, or they themselves, will be seriously hurt or killed as a result of the domestic violence. Additionally, the child may also be afraid to tell anyone what is happening in their home, and may feel afraid that if they acknowledge the abuse, the abusive parent won’t love them anymore.
Emotions of Child Observers
These emotions manifest in many ways and can have a long-term impact on the child and those around them.

Effects of Domestic Violence
on Toddlers/Preschool Children
More aggressive or more withdrawn than other children
Impaired cognitive abilities
Delays in verbal development
Poor motor abilities
General fearfulness, anxiety
Stomachaches and bowel/bladder control problems
Lack of confidence to begin new tasks
May have the belief that abuse is their fault
Effects of Domestic Violence
on School Age Children
Poor grades, or in special classes
Failure of one or more grade levels
Poor social skills
Low self-esteem
General aggressiveness
Bullying or violent outburst of anger
Withdrawn and dependent
Ulcers, digestive problems
Headaches (Not related to eyestrain or sinuses)
Susceptible to rationalizations of the abuser if they don’t see consequences for abuser and may believe abuse is OK and effective

Effects of Domestic Violence
on Teenagers
Poor grades, failure in school, quitting school
Low self-esteem
Refuses to bring friends home, may be withdrawn, or have few friends
Stays away from home or feels responsible for home and mother
Violent outburst of anger, destroying property
Headaches, ulcers, acne, bedwetting, digestive problems
Unable to communicate feelings
Poor judgment, irresponsible decision-making, immaturity
Abuse of self through cutting, substance abuse, or eating disorders
Using violence against the battering adult
Joining in on beatings of mother
Using violence against a girlfriend, boyfriend, sibling, or pet