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Safety Plan

Woman setting doves free in the sunset

What is a safety plan?

​A safety plan is a set of actions that can help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner. It includes information specific to you and your life that will increase your safety at school, home, and other places that you go on a daily basis.

Tree Tunnel  at Golden Hour with light shining at the end

How do you make a safety plan?

You can use an online or printed tool help you identify your safety options based on a series of questions. You can use this tool on your own, or you can use it with a friend or an adult you trust.


Keep your safety plan in a secure place where you can access it quickly if you need it. You may also consider giving a copy to someone that you trust.


There are a number of great safety plan tools available, and here are two that we recommend:

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Online Safety Plan Tool

National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Printable Safety Plan PDF

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