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Thrift Store

hayesville nc thrift store, clay county nc thrift store, hayesville north carolina, thrift store near me, donation center, donate here
"Very clean and well laid out thrift store. Great staff, excellent prices, quality merchandise."
Sue Miller

For domestic violence awareness month we have on display our annual Remember my Name project where the names of those lives lost due to domestic violence in the state of NC from Jan 1 - Sept 19, 2023, are observed. To date, there have been 57 deaths.

Clay County Progress certificates 2023.jpg

About our Store

The Reach Thrift Store is a non-profit store that uses proceeds from sales of donated items to benefit the Reach of Clay County emergency shelter. 

Come shop our quality clothing and shoes, housewares, dishware, furniture, and appliances.  We offer selections for all ages as well as a selection of name-brand items. 

How to Donate Items

The store is open Monday through Saturday between the hours of 9:30 am - 4:30 pm.  During these hours, donations of gently used items are gratefully accepted, and shopping is greatly encouraged.

Well-organized store with a public service orientation, educating the community by recognizing October domestic violence awareness month. Appreciate the cleanliness and clear reminders to care for one another.

Jojo McNeil

Colorful floral dress hanging above a clothing rack at Reach of Clay County Thrift Store in NC


We can always use volunteers in the store. Contact the store for details (828) 389-0017.

Image by Element5 Digital

Shop to Stop
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours!

Mon - Sat: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

(828) 389-0017

1252 US Route 64

Hayesville, North Carolina 28904

Reach of Clay County Logo

Stay Connected

24/7 Local Hotline: 828.389.0797 

Office: 828.389.0797


Office Hours: M-F  9:00am - 5:00pm

Contact Us

Give Now

  • Join us on Reach of Clay County's Facebook Page!
  • Check out Reach of Clay County's wishlist on Amazon

Other Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.SAFE 

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE 

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888.373.7888 

or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)

Report suspected human trafficking: 866.347.2423

Eldercare Locator: 800.677.1116

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